It has been a while since my last post, nearly 1 year. I promised to come back with an update, so here goes, and sorry for the wait. Kicked the engine over 50+ times before I managed to start it. Rode the bike for a rather short trip, but it was impossible to get it […]
Let there be light
Simply had to share this moment with you. I struggled a bit with this part to be honest, but I’m really pleased that it now works as intended. The horn worked just fine earlier on (see the It’s alive! post), but after having moved the bike from the shed to the living room (yes, she’s […]
Trying to figure out where all the wires should go. This part is really making my head hurt. Today’s lesson: Bobine d’allumage is french for ignition coil.
Headlight switch
Headlight switch in place. I still need to find the correct diagram though, in order to see how all the wires should be connected.